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Religion has played an important role in the lives of lesbians and gay men in a variety of ways. Three main areas are covered in the memories from contributors and associated events.

Firstly, for many people, the religious and cultural traditions in which they have been brought up shape their awareness of what it means to be homosexual. This influences their reaction and feelings when they become aware of their own sexuality. It also impacts on their decision to tell their families, and their families' response. Our contributors include lesbians and gay men from (), and backgrounds as well as , , and Christians.

Secondly, lesbians and gay men (as anyone) may choose to pursue their faith, seek an alternative or drop it and we have some examples of each of these. In particular we have examples of supportive religious communities within Birmingham including the and the .

Thirdly, we have examples of clashes with religious leaders locally and nationally and the impact of their influence on the lives of local lesbians and gay men.


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