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Memories by Richard Keddie

First Visit to a Gay Bar, the Dorchester

Richard's first visit to a gay venue was the Dorchester in Wolverhampton where he went with his friend Jason. he describes the fashion he was wearing at the time. "I wore a big long coat over a pair of trousers I'd run up - black leatherette wi...

Hype at Tin Tins

"It progressed to Tin Tins and a night called 'Hype'. I'd meet up with a few friends, Paul had contacts so we'd walk straight in, we were a bit naughty in relation to substances, but everyone did, and I never overdid it."It was fab, it had two big ca...

Living in Fairy Towers

"I live in Cleveland Tower - 'Fairy Towers' - they have a gay identity due to where they're located. Gay people find City Centre life very accessible. When I moved from London, I wanted to live here in one of these Towers, I knew about them and knew ...