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Pedro moves to Birmingham


Paul didn’t want Pedro to rush the decision so said he could come for a week to see what he thought, and met him at East Midlands airport in December. Pedro had expected cold but not darkness at 4 p.m.! He went round the and was surprised to find a couple of clubs open in the daytime. The first bars he went to were then , which had just opened.

Pedro moves to Birmingham

After that week, Paul went back to in January, and Pedro moved to England on 14th February 1999. He enrolled at Bournville College to do an ESOL course, and workwise, he had been doing drag in Gran Canaria, so he entered a Miss Glam Drag competition at Route 2 and he won it! Someone from Studio One saw him and got him his first show at Missing, on a Wednesday. Paul gave him lyrics from one English song to learn to mime to, the rest were in Spanish. He was fine singing and dancing but nervous before the first song as he had to talk. Then he was booked for a season, every Wednesday. He got established and also played gay bars in Manchester, Blackpool, Cardiff. They travelled together at night when possible, Paul was still working in Boots by day. They lived in Paul’s flat in New Town, less than a mile from the city centre.

Contributed by: Pedro

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