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Quentin Crisp opens Thorp Street


“At the official opening of Thorp Street, they had invited to do the honours. He sat on a big, oval backed, wicker chair on the stage and held court and talked about his favourite subject…himself! He spoke at a barely audible level as he would not raise his voice”.

“The Members’ Committee had invited people from the Bank of Scotland, including the manager, the regional manager and his wife. They’d also invited the Licensing Justices and their wives, who knew that as it was a members club and they were not members they could not buy drinks. All of the contractors and subcontractors and their partners had also been invited. They had to sort out a lot of complementary guests. Eventually these guests started to disappear, and finally they could start having a party! There were people queuing down the street!”

Contributed by: John Jeffries aka jinks, 60

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