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Race and gender did not matter


Chrissy states that at the ethnicity and gender did not matter; there were black and Asian punks, everybody just mixing together. “It did not matter if you were straight or gay. Everybody mingled in; it was like a golden era that I don’t think will come back again. Straight boys pretended to be gay, gay boys pretending to be straight. You would walk into the toilets in the Powerhouse you would all rush to get to get your hairdryers plugged in and get a mirror, as hair was all points. This was in the women’s toilets, nobody went to the men’s, it was boring. It was a great melting pot, you had the likes of Boy George, Phil Salon, Martin Degville, , Dusty ‘O’ all the big names that are remembered now, the Powerhouse was our little Blitz Scene”.

Contributed by: Chrissy Darling, 40

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