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School days for a popular tomboy


“School days were interesting, I had a gang of girl chums, who in retrospect I can say I did fancy and I did realise back then I was not into all the stuff the others girls were into, I never wanted to wear stockings or tights. I was a tomboy. At school I was the leader of the girl’s gang. I was popular because I was good at sport. I was Captain of most of the sports’ teams. I was a House Captain. I had lots of status and because of this I was never bullied for being different. As I got into my early teens, my mum tried to persuade me to wear make up and dresses, but she soon gave up. I was always happier dressed in shorts and a jumper. I never went out with any boys at school, I think because I did not fit in it was a worry; looking back I was not giving out the right vibe".

Contributed by: Wash, 57

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