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The right time to launch Midlands Zone, in 1997


has been Midlands Zone editor since its inception in April 1997.

"I launched Midland Zone in April 1997, at a time when life in Birmingham’s was changing dramatically. Cafe Bar was just about to open, complete with its clear-window frontages, and there was suddenly a greater openness in and around the gay village. With the first festival also taking place that year, an event for which Zone became a media sponsor, I felt it was the right time to launch a gay magazine that catered specifically for a Midlands-based readership.

Although covers gay stories that happen on both a national and international level, the magazine retains its strong regional feel and responds to events and developments which take place within the Midlands region. First and foremost, Zone is and always will be a magazine for the Midlands’ gay community. We are extremely proud of our regional identity."

Contributed by: Martin Monahan

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