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- Alexandra Theatre
- Gladrag
- Smacking and More Note 1
- ABplus
- Acocks Green
- age of consent
- Agent Provocateur
- agent provocateur
- AIDS crisis
- AIDS Lifeline
- AIDS lifeline
- AIDS lifeline newsletter
- AIDS Memorial Quilt
- AIDSline West Midlands
- Albert Street
- Alcohol
- alcohol licence
- Alexander Theatre
- Alix Dobkin
- Allan Horsefall
- Allison Street
- Andy King
- Andy Warhol
- Angela Mason
- Angels
- Anglican
- Anna Durell
- Arcadian
- Are you being served
- Armed Forces
- Arthur Tuck
- Arthur Tuckery
- ArtPride
- Artsfest
- Asian gay nights
- Aston
- Aston University
- Aunty's Bar
- Australian Bar
- aversion therapy
- babysitting
- Bad Girls Disco
- Bad Girls' Disco
- ball room dancing
- Balsall Heath
- Barbara Carter
- Barbara Castle
- barrier nursing
- Barry Jackson
- bars and clubs
- BBC Radio WM
- Becky Tebbett
- Betty Hagglund
- Bill Gavan
- biological mother
- Birmingham and Fazeley Canal
- Birmingham Christian Centre
- Birmingham City Council
- Birmingham City Council Women's Unit
- Birmingham City Council's Equal Opportunities Comm
- Birmingham Evening Mail
- Birmingham Friend
- Birmingham Gay Liberation Front
- Birmingham Gay Liberation Front Newsletter
- Birmingham Gay Liberation Front newsletter
- Birmingham Gazette
- Birmingham Girls
- Birmingham InSISt Women's Paper
- Birmingham Lesbian Song
- Birmingham Libraries
- Birmingham Parents Support Group
- Birmingham Parents' Support Group
- Birmingham Police Forum for the gay community
- Birmingham Post
- Birmingham Pride
- Birmingham Pride 2006
- Birmingham Pride Community Trust
- Birmingham Pride Community Trust Forum
- Birmingham Pride Forum
- Birmingham Register Office
- Birmingham Repertory Theatre
- Birmingham Stop the Clause
- Birmingham Triangle Committee
- Birmingham University
- Birmingham University Gay Society
- Birmingham Women's Centre
- Birmingham Women's Liberation Movement Day Confere
- Birmingham Women's Liberation Newsletter
- Birmingham Women's Newsletter
- Birmingham Women's Paper
- birth mother
- bisexual
- black and Asian
- Black gay men
- Black Gay Men's conference
- Black Lesbian and Gay Centre
- Black Pat
- Body Positive
- Bolts at the Dome
- Boot Women
- Boot Women newsletter
- Boot Women Socials
- Boot Women socials
- Bordesley Street
- boy children
- Boy George
- Boyz
- Brian Wigley
- Brum Women's Paper
- BSL Signing group
- Bula
- Bull Ring
- Bull Ring Shopping Centre
- Bush House
- butch
- butch/femme
- butch/femme roles
- Camp Hill
- Campaign for Homosexual Equality
- Candlelight Vigil
- Cannon Hill Park
- Caroline Hutton
- Catholic
- Central Library
- Central Rainbow
- Chamberlain Square
- Charles Sewell
- choir
- Chrissy Darling
- Christian
- Christianity
- Church of England
- Cider House
- cinemas
- Cinemas
- City Centre
- city centre
- Civic Hall
- Civil Partnership
- civil partnership
- Civil Partnership Act
- Civil Service
- Claire Short
- Clause 28
- Clause 28 march
- Clause 28 marches
- Cleveland
- Cliff Richard
- clothes
- Club Music
- Clydesdale
- Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights
- Cofton Park
- Coleshill School
- college
- Combination Therapy
- come out
- come out at work
- Coming Out
- coming out
- coming out at work
- Coming to Power
- Commission for Equality and Human Rights
- commitment ceremony
- commune
- communes
- communist
- Communist Party
- Community Groups
- Compton's Cafeteria Riot
- conference
- Conference
- consciousness raising
- Cottage
- cottage
- Cottaging
- cottaging
- council
- Council
- Councillor
- Crime Stalker
- Cris Williamson
- Crossroads
- Cruising
- cruising
- Cuckoo's Nest
- cultural mix
- Custard Factory
- Daily Mail
- Dancette
- Danny La Rue
- Deaf
- Deaf Lesbian Group
- Deaf Lesbians
- decriminalisation
- Dennis Altman
- Derek Pemberton
- Derek Whittam
- differences
- Digbeth
- Digbeth Civic Hall
- Digbeth Institute
- Digbeth Police Station
- disability
- Disability Discrimination Act
- disabled
- disablism
- Disco
- discrimination
- disease
- Diva
- Dome
- Don't Die of Ignorance
- Dorchester
- Drag
- drag
- drag queens
- Drag Queens
- Dress
- dress code
- Drill Hall
- Drugs
- drugs
- Duran Duran
- Dusty Springfield
- DV8
- Dykenosis
- dykes
- Edgbaston
- Education Group
- egg sharing
- El Sombrero
- El Torro
- Elton John
- Employment Equality Sexual Orientation Regulations
- employment tribunal
- Enigma
- Eric Presland
- Essex House
- Estelle Morris
- ethnic
- Evangelical
- Evening Mail
- Exchange Bar
- Express and Star
- Fairy Towers
- Farmers Bridge Locks
- fashion
- femininity
- feminism
- feminist
- feminists
- femme
- Festival of Light
- Five Days of Fun
- Five Ways
- football
- Foragers
- foster
- Fountain
- Fox
- Frankie Armstrong
- Fred Barnes
- Freddie Mercury
- Friend
- Friend West Midlands
- Friends of the Earth
- Funky Duncan
- Galaxy
- Gateways
- Gavans
- Gay Bashing
- gay bashing
- Gay Birmingham Remembered
- Gay Brum
- Gay Centre
- Gay Community Centre
- Gay Community Centre Bordesley Street
- Gay Community Centre Newsletter
- Gay Education Group
- Gay Flamingo
- gay history
- Gay History Course
- Gay John
- Gay Liberation Front
- Gay Liberation Front National Conference
- Gay Liberation Front Newsletter
- Gay Liberation Movement
- Gay Life Matters
- Gay Men Fighting AIDS
- Gay Men's Health Group
- Gay Midlander
- Gay News
- Gay Outdoor Club
- Gay Pride
- gay scene
- Gay Sunshine Event
- Gay Switchboard
- Gay Switchboard Caller Profile
- Gay Switchboard Callers
- Gay Times
- Gay Village
- gay village
- Gay Workers Rights Conference
- Gay Youth Group
- gay youth group
- Gaydar
- gays in the police
- GaySoc
- Gender bending
- gender bending
- George Melly
- George Street
- Girls' night
- Gladrag
- Glamorous
- Glamourous
- Glenn Miller
- GLF manifesto
- Graham Brogden
- Gran Canaria
- Greenham Common
- Greyhound
- Grosvenor
- Grosvenor House Hotel
- Growing Up Homosexual
- Growing up Homosexual
- Gudrun Limbrick
- Guest Stars
- Guild of Students
- Gun Barrels
- Guys
- Guys Limited
- Handsworth
- Hanky Code
- harassment
- Harborne
- Hare and Hounds
- Harvey Milk
- Heart
- Helen Rose
- Henrietta's Out
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- Hi NRG
- Hilli Rishworth
- Hippodrome
- Holloway
- Holloway Head
- Holly Near
- homophobia
- homophobia in the workplace
- homophobic
- homophobic bullying
- Homosexual Friends Fellowship
- House
- house parties
- Howards Bar
- Hughie Green
- Hurst Street
- Hype
- identity
- impact of ethnic background
- Imperial
- Imperial Hotel
- In The Pink
- Inge Street
- Inge Thornton
- Inner Ring Road
- Insist
- International Classification of Disease
- International Women's Day
- Internet
- inverts
- Islam
- It's a knockout
- It's a Knockout
- Ivor Geffin
- Jackie Russell
- Jaycee
- Jenny lives with Eric and Martin
- Jeremy Thorpe
- Jester
- Jewellery Quarter
- Jewish
- Jewish and Arab women
- Jewish Lesbians Group
- Jewish women's group
- Jill Knight
- Jim Callaghan
- Jimmy Edwards
- Jimmy's bar
- Jimmys Bar
- Jo Joes
- Jo Joes Picket
- John Curry
- John Jeffries
- John Jeffries aka Jinks
- John Walters
- Judy Small
- Jug
- Julia Radcliffe
- Kardomah
- Karen Creavin
- Keith Campbell
- Ken Livingstone
- Kennedy Gardens
- Kenneth Williams
- Kenric
- Kent Street
- Kerb Crawling Song
- Ketamine
- Key Books
- Khan and Bell
- Kill the Bill
- King's Heath
- Kings Heath
- Kingstanding
- Kipper Club
- Kyla Skinner
- Labour
- Labour Government
- Labour Party
- Ladywood
- Larry Grayson
- Laurie Williams
- laws
- Lee Bank
- Leeds
- Legends
- Legends Club
- Legislation pre twentieth century
- LesBeWell
- Lesbewell
- lesbian
- Lesbian and Gay Community Centre
- Lesbian and Gay community Centre
- Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Aston
- Lesbian and Gay Community Centre newsletter
- Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter
- Lesbian and Gay Fellowship
- Lesbian and Gay News West Midlands
- Lesbian and Gay Police Association
- Lesbian and Gay Staff Support Group
- Lesbian and Gay Switchboard newsletter
- Lesbian and Gay Youth Movement
- lesbian conference
- lesbian disco
- lesbian feminist
- lesbian feminist meetings
- lesbian feminists
- lesbian group
- lesbian health
- lesbian health conferences
- Lesbian Line
- lesbian mother
- lesbian mothers
- Lesbian rights
- lesbian separatists
- lesbian youth workers' forum
- Lesbos
- Lesley Pattenson
- LGB staff group at Staffordshire County Council
- LGBT Alcohol Support Group
- Library
- Library Theatre
- licencing laws
- Lionel
- lock ins
- London
- London Lesbian and Gay Centre
- London Partnership Register
- London Pride
- Longbridge
- Lord Raglan
- Lottery
- Louise Christian
- Love your enemy
- Lyn David Thomas
- Maggie Kirkpatrick
- Malcolm Gibb
- Malt Shovel
- Manchester
- Manchester Pride
- Mark Bestel
- married
- Martin Cole
- Martin Healey
- Martin Monahan
- Mary Whitehouse
- masculinity
- Mass Camp
- Matador
- Mature Gay Men's Group
- Maypole
- Meg Christian
- members' club
- mental health
- Meriel Bloor
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Mexicana
- Michael Cashman
- Michael Hutchinson
- Midlands Arts Centre
- Midlands Zone
- Midlands Zone Readers' Awards
- Mike Chamberlain
- miners' strikes
- Missing
- Moseley
- Moseley Road Baths
- Moseley Shoals
- moving to Birmingham
- Museum and Art Gallery
- Muslim
- Myra Connell
- National Front
- National Lesbian and Gay Youth Movement
- National Lottery Grant
- Navy
- Nechells
- Nechells Green
- Neil Matthews
- Neill Matthews
- New Street Station
- Nick Stanley
- Nightingale
- Nightingale Thorp St
- Noelle Gordon
- Norman and Betty Webb
- North West Committee for Homosexual Law Reform
- Old Mo
- Old Moseley Arms
- older gay men
- older lesbian
- older lesbians
- Older Lesbians' Network
- Oscar Wilde
- Out Central
- Out of the Shadows
- Out This Week
- OUTburst
- Outpost
- Outrage
- Outskirts
- Outspeak
- Outspoken
- Outwrite
- Ova
- paedophile
- Palestinian women's groups
- pansy
- Pantheon
- Partners
- Pat Howie
- Patriarchy Study Group
- Patrick Edwards
- Patty Bell
- Peace Centre
- Peacock's
- Peacocks
- Peacocks at the New Imperial
- Peacocks discos
- Pearly Gates
- Personal adverts
- Pete Kirby
- Phil Oldershaw
- picket
- Pink Paper
- Pink Picnic
- pink triangle
- Polari
- police
- Police
- Police and gay activity
- Police Forum
- Police Liaison Group
- political activism
- political groups
- political lesbian
- political lesbians
- politics
- Pool
- pool
- poppers
- Poppers
- Power House
- Powerhouse
- Pressure to be heterosexual
- pressure to be straight
- Pride
- Pride 1997
- Pride 2001
- Pride 2005
- Pride 2006
- Pride 2007
- Pride Ball
- Pride Parade
- Princip Street
- Prisoner Cell Block H
- psychiatric
- psychiatrist
- Psychiatry
- publications
- Publicity Officer
- Purple Room
- Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship
- Quakers
- Quakers Meeting House
- queer
- Queer as Folk
- queer bashed
- Queer Politics
- Queer Question Time
- Quentin Crisp
- race
- racism
- Radclyffe Hall
- Radical Drag
- Radical Fairies
- radical feminist
- Rainbow Flag
- Rainbow Voices
- Rape Crisis
- Rape Crisis Centre
- Register Office
- relations with the police
- relationship
- religion
- rent boys
- revolutionary feminism
- Revolutionary Feminism
- revolutionary feminist
- Revolutionary Feminist
- Revolutionary Feminist Conference
- Revolutionary Feminists
- Revolutionary feminists
- revolutionary feminists
- Richard Dyer
- Rod Griffiths
- Route 2
- Route 66
- Roy Jenkins
- Rubyfruit
- Rugby
- Sadistic Sisters
- Samaritans
- Sandwell
- Sappho
- sauna
- Saunas
- school
- SCUM Manifesto
- SCUM manifesto
- Section 28
- Selly Oak
- Selly Park
- separatism
- separatists
- Setting Up Switchboard
- Sex Clubs
- Sex Discrimination Act
- Sexual Offences Act
- Sexual Offences Act 1954
- sexual politics
- Shakespeare
- Sheila's Bar
- Shirley Bassey
- Signing Group
- Sikh
- Silver Slipper
- Silver Web
- Simeon Solomon
- Sir Dick Knowles
- sixth demand
- Slap FM
- Slice of Lemon
- Small Gavans
- Smallbrook Queensway
- smoking
- Snow Hill Station
- socialist
- socialist feminism
- Socialist Feminist
- socialist feminist
- socialist feminist lesbian
- socialist feminists
- Socialist feminists
- society
- sodomy
- Sombrero
- South Staffordshire Council
- Southside
- Spare Rib
- Sparkhill
- Spartacus
- split
- sport
- sports
- sporty
- sporty lesbian
- St Philip's Cathedral
- Staffordshire
- Staffordshire County Council
- Staffordshire County Council's Lesbian and Gay Sta
- Star Club
- Station
- Station Pub
- Station Street
- status quo
- Steering Wheel
- Steptoes
- Steve Bedser
- Stonewall
- Straightsville
- stripper
- Strumpet
- Subway City
- Sundissential
- Super Pricks
- Switchboard
- Switchboard Operator
- Switchboard operators
- Sybil
- Symphony Hall
- teacher
- Telecom Tower
- Temple Bar
- Temple Street
- terminology
- Terrence Higgins Trust
- Tettenhall
- Thatcher
- The Cuckoo's Nest
- The Killing of Sister George
- The Royal Court of Campania
- The Triangle Committee
- The Woodman
- Theresa Stuart
- Thorp Street
- Three Mile Oak
- Tin Can
- Tin Tins
- Tindal Press
- Tindal Street
- Tindal Street Press
- Tindal Street School
- Tom Robinson
- tomboys
- Tony Blair
- Tony De Vit
- Tony de Vit
- Tony Page
- Tow Rope
- Towards a Quaker view of sex
- Town Hall
- Trade Union
- transsexual
- transvestites
- Trevor Sword
- Triangle Arts Centre
- Trocadero
- Trollettes
- Troops out of Ireland
- Twiggy
- Union Club
- unique
- unisex
- Unison
- university
- Valerie Solanis
- Venus
- Viagra
- Victim
- Victoria
- Victoria Club
- Victoria Square
- Viking
- Village
- Village Inn
- Village People
- Vinegar Tits
- violence against women
- Vivienne Westwood
- Voice
- W H Auden
- Wages For Housework
- Walsall Gay Men's Group
- Wandering Minstrel
- Wash
- Well of Loneliness
- Wellington
- West Midlands County Council
- West Midlands Lesbian and Gay Switchboard
- West Midlands Police
- West Midlands Residuary Body
- White Lion
- William Frank Brownhill
- Windmill
- Winson Green
- Witton Lane
- Wolfenden
- Wolverhampton
- Wombourne
- Wombourne 12
- Wombourne March
- Women against Racism and Fascism
- Women Against Violence Against Women
- Women and Words
- women only
- women only night
- Women Oppose the Nuclear Threat
- women's access to bars
- Women's Aid
- Women's Army
- Women's Big Band
- Women's Centre
- Women's Committee
- women's disco
- women's discos
- women's events
- women's events
- Women's Festival
- Women's Groups
- women's groups
- women's liberation
- Women's Liberation
- Women's Liberation Conference
- Women's Liberation Day Conferences
- women's liberation movement
- Women's Liberation movement
- Women's Liberation Movement
- Women's Liberation Playgroup
- women's movement
- Women's Music
- women's music
- Women's newspaper for Brum
- women's politics
- Women's Refuge
- Women's Revolutions Per Minute
- Women's Self Defence
- Women's Swing Band
- Women's Swing Band
- women's venues
- women's writing group
- Woodman
- Worcester
- work
- Workers Educational Association
- World AIDS Day
- World War II
- World War II Blitz
- Young Lesbians Group
- Youth Clubs
- Youth Group
- youth group
- youth work
- Zap
- Zebedees
- Zig Zag