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Events tagged with "Victoria"

The Victoria

The Victoria is a traditional Victorian corner pub situated next to the Alexander Theatre on Station Street. It became popular with gay men from the 1960s and was still used by gay men until the early 90s. The reason for its early popularity might ha...

Memories tagged with "Victoria"

Cottaging was rife

“I used cottages before John and during the end of my relationship with John but not in the middle, no.  I didn’t, I was part of a couple so I didn’t cat around, no, for a long time, that was later on. I was 24 when I met him (1965), 25 when we ...

GLF leafleting the gay scene

"We used to leaflet the gay scene about political things, we had tactics around this as we were often threatened (by other gay people) and we had been beaten up. We used to have to find a route through the pub, hand out the leaflets and get out the o...

The Nightingale was born

After the ‘Queen Victoria’ closed, there was a barren period in Birmingham in respect of club life. ‘La’ (Laurie Williams) approached me one night in the Imperial Bar and told me he had found a backer who wanted to put up the cash to start a gay memb...

The Victoria hotel

“You’d get a lot of the theatrical crowd in the Victoria (in Station Street near the Alexander theatre), and a lot of these pretentious queens but it was accepted because it was all a bit show business”....