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Birmingham LGBT Community Trust

August 2002

[Birmingham LGBT Community Trust] was founded in 2002 to continue the work of the dormant . Initial funding was a legacy from the festival. The trust consists of twelve trustees who have worked voluntarily to promote equal rights for the LGB community, including tackling and improvements to the .

The Trust organised a series of events in 2004 called '.

In December 2004 the [Birmingham LGBT Community Trust] appointed a one day a month co-ordinator , and later secured ongoing funding from Birmingham City Council to increase her hours to a day a week.

In 2005 the Trust organised a consultation event for the LGB community called ? and followed it up with a presentation of the findings at a seminar for service providers.

was a memorable event bringing together a panel of local political candidates to be quizzed by the audience.

The Trust was increasingly being recognised by and other bodies as a credible organisation which should be consulted and included in strategic developments.

In 2006 [Birmingham LGBT Community Trust] held a meeting for all LGB groups which has become the which meets quarterly and has over 35 groups currently on its list, many of whom attend regularly.

In 2006 the Trust co-organised a event with , which gained community support for the application to which has resourced this project!


In 2007 The Trust organised the as an alternative to the commercialism of .

[Birmingham LGBT Community Trust] has been receiving a small grant since 2006.











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