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Birmingham Pride Community Trust’s origins


grew out of the festival as a number of us were frustrated that the festival was somewhat losing its political edge and becoming something of a three day beer festival. What we wanted to do was recognise that lesbians and gay men in this city are here 365 days a year and we wanted to address issues concerning quality of life all year round. A group of us spent two or three years talking about what we could do and eventually got our fingers out and formed in 2002. I’m the chair with a board of twelve lesbians and gay men from across the city from all walks of life, we are principally concerned with improving services for the LGB community. We have a number of priorities including tackling homophobic bullying in schools, meeting the needs of older LGBs in care homes, addressing the inequalities in health and ensuring that the reaches its full potential in terms of development. We are working closely with the and .” Other BPCT priorities include gay and . “In mental health alone, there are huge issues to address.” Another BPCT priority is black and ethnic minority LGBs. “It is still very difficult for LGB people within black and ethnic communities to come out”. The BCPT regularly has correspondence, articles and adverts in magazine

Contributed by: Steve Ball, 49

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