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Kent Street Baths

May 1930 to September 1980

Kent Street baths was rebuilt in 1930, the main buildings, with the exception of the women's bath on Gooch Street, were demolished and new facilities were built in a more modern style. The building contained a gala swimming bath, private baths, Turkish and Russian baths, offices and a repair and maintenance depot. It was opened on May 29, 1933. Designed by Hurley Robinson, it was of art deco architecture and remains today as Kent House.

The bath suffered heavy damage during World War II with the loss of the gala bath to a heavy night raid on December 3, 1940. The surrounding buildings were also damaged from the blast. When the war finished, the committee repaired the baths. (source Wikipedia)

The baths now site in the Gay Village area, but long before this in the 1950s the baths were a popular meeting place for gay men.

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