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Robbies Bar


I wonder how many would remember a wonderful little pub, also in Snow Hill, but not as far down as the Jungle, It's correct name was, "Howard's Bar" but known generally as, "Robbies" after the warm-hearted landlady who kept it. There were only two rooms, one at street level very rough and ready with an atmosphere of a country pub even to sawdust spread all over the floor, but upstairs was a quiet lounge, dark green carpet, white walls, and a lot of dark brown wood furniture. At mid-day you could get one of the best meals in Birmingham up there, but in the evenings for a couple of years it was the place to be. Sadly Robbie left, and without her personality, the magic went out of the place, her clientèle dispersed.

Opposite "Robbies" was Snow Hill station. Round the station was a cast-iron railing. Right on the corner of Snow Hill there was a gate in the railing and a few steps led down into a bar underneath the main station building. It didn't advertise itself as a bar, just a grimy door half below street level, most people could walk past without even realising it was there. It was one of the few places I've ever come across with only a five and a half day license, it did not open on Saturday evening or Sunday.

Contributed by: Ada

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