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Tow Rope


A very popular pick-up scene. I met my first long-time lover there, Peter D., he now lives in Brighton. A local lad with a (since removed) cross tattooed between his eye brows and a spot on the end of his nose. He was known as "Cross Peter". he is currently known as "Spot" :) The scene was populated by notorious outrageous queens, villains and prostitutes. Halcyon days and no better education was to be had. To note a few... Barry Parker, Irish Mick, Tony Aldrich, Christine Keeler, Mandy Rice-Davies, Big Ron (owner) and Peter Roy Hamilton-Keer. These are a few who come to the front of my mind. There were many many others. on rare occasions we were graced by the presence of royalty in the shape of .

Contributed by: jinks, 61

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