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Memories tagged with "Wellington"

A marriage of convenience

Gill and Betty both moved to Birmingham around the same time, around 1975. Gill: “There was a lesbian group that met at The Wellington Pub on Bristol Street which I went to only once. It was run, quite dominated, by an older lesbian who lived up in S...

Helping to organise the first Pride 1996

Trevor joined the Birmingham Pride committee (The Triangle Committee) in November 1996, which was set up to organise the first Pride in May 1997. Trevor was the Secretary; there were about ten people involved on the executive committee and they broug...

How it started

Trevor talks about the Mature Gay Men's Group. “We had friends in Bearwood and we used to go to town a lot but really there was nothing for us, most of the gay crowd from my day had stopped coming into town, it was all kids, all loud music, we used t...