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Lesbian feminist views on Margaret Thatcher in the


“What did lesbians and feminists think of Margaret Thatcher? We loathed her, most of us seeing her would physically shudder, yet she was put up as woman prime minister but had such a male way of doing things with no interest in progressing women’s causes, such a disappointment, as the first and only woman prime minister, she might as well have been a man but she had to adopt a male strategy. Early on she actually said something about the young men in the city and suddenly there was a series of young men turning into multi-millionaires overnight, this is what Thatcherism can do, she thought it was wonderful, to have half a dozen young men earning a fortune and she would think she’s succeeded. Lesbians had a lot of sympathy for the miners strike, because we were politicised. We went on a Clause 28 march in Manchester where we got spat on. Clause 28 epitomised Thatcher’s view - she opposed homosexuality and lesbianism by talking about family values.”

Contributed by: Barbara Carter, 53, Bridget Malin, 62

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