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f***g lesbians from the Malt Shovel 89-92


Inge also socialised in the back room of the from around 1989- 1992, and spent her 30th birthday there in 1991. She remembers fights, and again, women had to stop men coming in. “I spent most of the late 80s and early 90s, and a lot of money, in the back room of the , four nights a week for around four years. We used to have a Women’s Team – I was bloody good at pool – but it was the only way to get talked to, to learn to play pool. They had a darts board, and people used to hold their birthdays there. Someone must have scouted round for somewhere that had a back room where they didn’t mind lesbians going in because we were all quite heavy drinkers! It was a room that didn’t get used otherwise.

The worst abuse I ever had was in the chip shop round the corner from the Malt Shovel, ‘Here are the fucking lesbians from the Malt  hovel, can we give you a shag darling….’."

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